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How we determine the good, the bad and the ugly, a glimpse at the Stack3d supplement review process

Stack3d supplement review process

One of the many questions that we get asked is how are our reviews done. We have had several requests, and on some occasions confusion as to how they are put together. So today we are going to try and explain the process as best we can. First up we never really get anything for free, sometimes brands send supplements, but that is about 1 in 10. Furthermore the people that use the products are from a range of sports such as, bodybuilders, sprint athletes, endurance based, and the average Joe bloggs. The supplements are used as directed and if they have any effect, we’ll basically put the whole thing out there. The reviews are based purely on experience, not so much what the company behind the product highlights.

We have noticed a bit of confusion with some readers, mainly relating to our use of language within in a post. The majority of people may understand, especially those who have read Stack3d right from the beginning. But when we comment on a formula’s effects. We are not referring to it’s anti-aromatase, metabolic system, or whatever ability it uses to promote a result. We are referring to the end result, essentially what the supplement’s methods create. A good example would be a thermogenic driven fat burner and a pre-workout product. In some cases pre-workouts do have some thermogenic effects, and while it’s ingredients may be completely different from that of the weight loss formula. We are going to compare the two based on what they offer. Another good one would be a testosterone booster and post-workout recovery. Two completely different supplements, from completely different corners of the market. However there are testosterone products that can help with recovery, providing a similar muscle rebuilding effect to that of a post-workout complex. In that scenario some may think that we are indirectly saying that a post-workout supplement can boost testosterone. Which is far from the truth, and not what we were trying to communicate.

Another thing that is brought up a lot is how we measure a formula’s success. The process is as simple as it is with everyone. Whatever product it is, it will be given to someone who will benefit from it’s particular type. For example a fat burner will be given to a person cutting down, a testosterone booster to a person who is bulking or building strength, and so on. The time frame in which each supplement is used for is also very important. Muscle builders like testosterone products and anabolics are one to two months. Weight loss, BCAAs, creatines, and vitamins are run for a month possibly more, and pre-workouts, aminos, and recovery complexes are one to two weeks. All of the athletes using the supplements keep track of their workouts and results, and can tell when something is working right down to the slightest weight gain, strength increase, libido change, performance enhancement, and muscle growth.

In our reviews we are comparing results, and what effects one will experience. Not their angles, abilities, or methods on how they achieve what they do. We do this mainly so that people can decide whether it is worth buying product A and B, when product C delivers the power of both. Or why buy supplement A when B is better. It is always about the effects for us, regardless of what category it belongs to and what ingredients it uses. If a testosterone booster for some extremely odd reason is better than a particular pre-workout, we will say so. The last thing we would like to cause is confusion, so we will attempt to upload a description like this and link it through the crossbar soon.

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