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On for the Olympia: BSN looking to launch more than just one supplement in September

BSN planning to release a few supplements at this year's Olympia

Of all the brands that have been out promoting themselves this year with new supplements, accessories, and competitions. The company that has been a bit of a blip on the radar is BSN. They dropped a few products this year with tees, exclusive stacks, and two new supplements in True Mass 1200 and the N.O. Xplode RTD. However despite all the early action it has been more than a couple of months since their last sighting. That being said BSN is no entry level company, they know exactly what they’re doing, and by the sounds of things we’re about to be treated to something new from the veteran brand.

While there are no details as to what BSN have in store for us all, they have said there are going to be some things set to appear at the Olympia. Without any hints we are going to take a few guesses as what the brand may have lined up with a multi-vitamin, new pre-workout, muscle builder, glutamine/recovery formula, or hydration complex. Each of those are based on either an area BSN are not in at the moment, a current trend in the market, or somewhere the giant may be looking to improve. Whatever the products turn out to be, they’ll no doubt be joined by plenty of other exciting new releases at this year’s Olympia Expo.

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