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Legendary OxyElite Pro and Jack3d on sale, Size Up Supplements listing USP DMAA originals

Size Up supplements selling original Jack3d and OxyElite cheap

The last time we mentioned Size Up Supplements was in regards to their insane and incredibly low prices. As it turns out, not only are they one of the most cost effective stores around. But they are also one of the only retailers still selling DMAA formulas, and not just any DMAA formulas. USP Lab’s two highly successful originals, the fat burner OxyElite Pro, and the legendary pre-workout Jack3d. At this point in time in the industry you would expect Size Up to be marking the two up a little more, based on the fact that almost nobody sells either supplement anymore. However to keep in sync with the rest of their product’s prices, they are actually doing the opposite. For a limited time Size Up Supplements have 90 capsule OxyElite Pro for $25.99, and the classic 250g Jack3d in lemon lime or fruit punch for $21.99. Both are currently sitting at low stock levels, so if you are keen don’t think twice as they will disappear.

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