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Decimate Evolved sequel Decimate Amplified, Genomyx give their Fanatyx another fat burner

Genomyx revisit the fat burning category with Decimate Amplified

After seeing the highly anticipated pre-workout Evol come to life, and the launch of the weight loss supplement Decimate Evolved. Genomyx have dropped another new product on their Fanatyx fan base, with a supplement that sees them head back into the category

they only recently just visited.

The latest innovation from the brand is a fat burning formula titled Decimate Amplified, and as you may have guessed from it’s name is set to be an amplified version of the powdered Decimate, in capsule form. As for the contents of Amplified, Genomyx have yet to release anything. But have mentioned that is much more of a stimulant driven weight loss formula, compared to the contents of the current flavored Decimate.

The brand have given the new product a “coming soon” launch date, which unfortunately does seem to point at the supplement arriving later, rather sooner.

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