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Introducing the pre-workout supplement Upload, Alpha Pro teasing three new products for 2014

Introducing Alpha Pro Nutrition and their pre-workout Upload

From time to time we do like to introduce new supplement companies that we believe to be worth checking out. The brand we are putting in the spotlight today is the beautifully presented Alpha Pro Nutrition, a company that only launched in the second half of 2013. While the team are teasing a number of upcoming products including Intraload, the fat burner Alpha Cuts, and it’s feminine alternative, Alpha Cuts Femme. Alpha Pro are building quite the following based on the performance and results of one of their released supplements, the pre-workout Upload. Currently the energizer is not available at every stockist, however looking at it’s Tunnel Vision matrix, it may be something you want to look in to. Upload’s one and only proprietary blend weighs in at 4.865g, with a total of 12 ingredients, including highlights such as dendrobium, agmatine sulfate (500mg), CarnoSyn beta-alanine (2g), rhodiola extract, and the classic caffeine. If you are interested in finding out a bit more on Alpha Pro Nutrition, their pre-workout Upload, and their upcoming formulas, definitely check out their graphically driven website. Alternatively if you’re after something new and keen to give Alpha Pro’s Upload a run. Pro Source and I’ll Pump You Up appear to be the most notable places to go, both listing the product for a little under $30 for 30 servings.

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