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AMPilean + Hyper T2 deal at NutraPlanet, Lecheek’s latest kicks off with launch specialists

Lecheek Nutrition's new AMPilean launched at NutraPlanet

Going from teaser, to preview, and then to an impressive showing of it’s facts panel. Lecheek Nutrition’s 10 piece weight loss product AMPilean, has now moved out into the market, with it’s first showing at the launch specialist NutraPlanet. As you may have guessed, it’s release through NutraPlanet has brought with it a launch deal, offering a full size 60 capsule bottle of AMPilean, as well as a full size 90 capsule bottle of Hyper T2, for $29.92. NutraPlanet are listing the regular price of AMPilean at $34.95 and T2 $29.99. Making it $5 cheaper to buy the fat burner along with Hyper T2, than it is to purchase individually. It also makes it 7 cents cheaper to buy Hyper T2 along with AMPilean, than it is to purchase Lecheek’s prothyroid individually. Deals like this don’t last long, especially when NutraPlanet are listing the promotion as limited time only, so if you are interested act now.

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