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Hyper FX 2.0 gets another ingredient confirmed, BSN’s sequel pre-workout giveaway next week

BSN confirm the new Hyper FX to feature Astragin

If you are a loyal follower of us on Facebook you may have already heard the news. But for those who have not, next week we will be giving away a few tubs of BSN’s freshly reformulated pre-workout Hyper FX. While the name of the supplement does not appear to have been changed, like N.O. Xplode to N.O. Xplode 2.0. The brand have made a number of modifications to the product, which are expected to amplify the overall performance of the pre-workout. Unfortunately the complete facts panel of Hyper FX 2.0 has not been revealed, although we do have one more piece of information following the details confirmed the other day. Joining the lowered dose of caffeine from 270mg down to 200mg, and the added power of HydroCarn beta-alanine HCL, is the trademarked form of astragalus and ginseng, Astragin. We do expected there to be plenty of other features edited and introduced for the sequel, which we unfortunately are going to need to wait a bit longer to see.

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