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US Military and Mossy Oak edition IsoBags, Isolator Fitness put together 48 new options

Isolator Fitness put together 48 new IsoBag options

Isolator Fitness, the company behind the Six Pack Bag like IsoBag, have produced a few new variants of their meal management system. In total the brand have actually managed to put together a total of 48 different options, spread across two lines, US Military and Mossy Oak. A total of 48 bags does of course sound like a lot. But if you are someone who has a particular preference in color, pattern, and amount of meals, that 48 is probably necessary. Both the Military and Mossy collections feature six separate patterns, Military with desert, woodland, air force, navy seal, navy, and army, and Mossy Oak with break-up, break-up infinity, obsession, shadow grass blades, winter, and pink. Each of those six themes or 12 altogether then come in either a full or partial print, for both the three and six meal IsoBag designs. Currently Isolator Fitness are only taking pre-orders for the 48 different bags, with shipping of the US Military and Mossy Oak lines set to go off next week.

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