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Alphamine gets trending cherry limeade, PES deals and giveaways now on for new flavor

Physique Enhancing Science add cherry limeade to Alphamine

Physique Enhancing Science popular thermogenic powder Alphamine, one of their most well known supplements. Is currently available in two flavors, fruit punch and raspberry lemonade. The brand have now added to the product’s menu with a third taste, one that a lot of brand’s seem to be giving a go as of late, cherry limeade. Right now the Alphamine option does not appear to be in stock anywhere, except direct from Physique Enhancing for insider club members only. The exclusive deals that were launched for members yesterday and are set to end on Tuesday the 25th. Include drastically discounted tubs of cherry limeade Alphamine, as well as combination offers with Select and Amino IV. If you are unfortunately not an insider, and do want to get your hands on the new taste, you have two options. Wait patiently for the supplement to hit stores, or head over to the PES Facebook page and try to get in on a giveaway. Which ever way you choose, be sure to sign up to the brand’s insider newsletter, so you don’t miss out on any future release deals or special offers.

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