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Athlete inspired fat burner coming soon, Promera and Iturrondo’s weight loss collaboration

Promera Sports and Ana Delia De Iturrondo's new weight loss supplement

Promera Sport’s bikini athlete and fitness model Ana Delia De Iturrondo. Has confirmed that she has been working quite closely with her supplement sponsor to put together her very own weight loss product. For now the supplement is untitled, although Promera do appear to be asking fans for a name suggestions. Whether that means they don’t actually have a name and are genuinely looking for one, or they have one and looking to get some fan fun going. The fat burner is on it’s way, and according to Iturrondo is in it’s final stages of development. For some companies that would usually mean the product is a few months away. However if all goes well the unnamed weight loss formula is expected to be on show at the upcoming Arnold Classic. As for contents, Promera Sports have not revealed a thing. Iturrondo on the other hand has posted a few short words, ‘The product is especially formulated for women designed to help reduce waist and hip size. The ingredient has extensive scientific backing…’. While we immediately assumed that the supplement had been produced for a female audience. The second part of that quote about ‘the ingredient’, does suggest that Promera’s next release could very well be an individual. More details will of course help confirm that, which as mentioned could be as close as the Arnold.

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