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Candidly titled Super Natural replacement, Scitec Nutrition’s new Essential Amino Matrix

Scitec Nutrition's new Super Natural Essential Amino Matrix

Scitec Nutrition have been some what quiet recently, or at least compared to their usual loud selves. But have returned to the scene with a fresh new reformulation. The name of the brand’s latest effort is Essential Amino Matrix, a supplement that as it’s title explains is an EAA formula. For those Scitec fans out there wondering what product the brand have reformulated, it is the one they call Super Natural. Which does of course mean that the supplement has received a name change, as well as a formula change. Outside of it’s title, the product only really has about two things different, with a more balanced 4g dose of 2:1:1 BCAAs, instead of 4,286mg, and the inclusion of l-histidine at 286mg. The only amino missing from the original Super Natural, keeping it from having the complete EAA collection. Fans can expect to see Scitec’s latest product in stores if not now, then soon. As they have already launched the formula in it’s predecessor’s two flavors, grapefruit and pink lemonade, along with a new zero calorie unflavored edition.

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