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Whey Professional gets three new flavors, Scitec introduce the basics to red label protein

Scitec Nutrition add three new flavors to Whey Protein Professional

European supplement giant Scitec Nutrition have decided that their previously fourteen strong menu for 100% Whey Protein Professional, is for some reason not quite enough of a variety. To fix the problem the brand have put together

more flavors for the menu than some proteins actually have in total. Expected to arrive in the coming weeks for Whey Professional’s unique list of options, which already features tastes like chocolate rocky road, strawberry white chocolate, and honey vanilla. Are three averagely sounding flavors, chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. While it may be hard to believe that none of those were previously available for the product, they are now, and for all sizes of 100% Whey Protein Professional, 920g, 2.35kg, and the 5kg bucket.

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