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Upcoming supplement teased as ‘strong’, latest Genomyx effort confirmed as a fat burner

Genomyx confirm a new powerful fat burner for their line coming soon

The fast growing and always well presented Genomyx have confirmed the coming of a fresh new supplement. The line which currently consists of a handful of popular complex products, and recently introduced individual formulas. Is set to see what the brand are currently teasing with a single word, ‘strong’. While that doesn’t exactly mean too much, without any sort of category confirmed. We can tell you that the unseen ‘strong’ supplement is going to be coming in the form of a fat burner. It is in it’s early stages, so as you would expect we do not have an official name, or any sort ingredients to throw your way. But based on the type of product and how Genomyx are describing it. We feel it’s likely looking to compete with all the other hard hitting weight loss supplements we’ve seen recently. The always appreciated launch window of coming soon, is the one the brand are going with. However Genomyx have said that in the past and come through one or two months later, certainly a much better turn around than most others who use the unsure release time frame.

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