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Pump pre-workout Noxygen launched in March as promised, Purus latest competitive with both price and convenience

Formula behind Purus Labs new pump pre-workout Noxygen

Purus Labs previously previewed, and have been continuously teasing their next innovation Noxygen over the past month. Based on the supplement’s one image released, a lot of it’s details have been able to be confirmed including it’s stimulant free strategy, convenient unflavored option, and two ingredients Hydromax soluble glycerol and Nitratene. The pump dedicated product is now beginning to show up in stores, in March as promised, revealing it’s complete contents list. It turns out on top of the two features already mentioned, Purus have have incorporated just one more ingredient in to Noxygen. Joining the 1.5g of sugar alcohol as Hydromax glycine, and FCC grade sodium nitrate Nitratene, is beet root extract. As well as it’s formula, the supplement’s arrival has also brought with it Noxygen’s price point which in most stores is due to be a little bit less than $20. That combined with it’s 40 maximum servings per 92g tub, much appreciated unflavored variant, and very stackable formula. Puts Purus Noxygen in a strong position to compete quite well with both price and convenience, in the growing pump pre-workout category.

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