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Updated pre-workout not listed everywhere, BSN’s Hyper FX 2.0 release going unnoticed

BSN's updated Hyper FX showing up without notice

The recently reformulated BSN Hyper FX, was teased out and even given away earlier in the year. Since our promotional week that saw five lucky people land a tub of the modernized pre-workout, nothing much has been said about the supplement, nor have we seen any stockist

make note of the change in formula. As it turns out a lot of BSN retailers have actually made edits to their original Hyper FX pages, simply and unnoticeably replacing the old with new. Everywhere is going to be different, so if it is the reformulated edition you are after. Check out the facts panel of the 2.0 version we posted, and be on the look out for the most notable differences in the supplement with the inclusion of DMAE and Hydrocarn beta-alanine. Some places that we know for sure that have Hyper FX 2.0 are, GNC, and Tiger Fitness. If you are looking to shop outside of those three, double check that you are getting the updated product by matching it to the new edition’s facts panel.

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