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Updated Cannibal Genius out before Swole 2.0, Chaos and Pain modify their mind accelerator

Chaos and Pain make a few changes to Cannibal Genius

Chaos and Pain’s mind accelerator Cannibal Genius, a supplement we reviewed to be the best in it’s lonely category of mental stimulators. Has received an update that has beaten the more known reformulated product, Cannibal Swole 2.0 to shelves. While we may have only just found about the Genius edit, thanks to Chaos and Pain’s consistent transparency we can tell you exactly what has been done to the supplement. Basically everything has been kept the same except for the vitamin D3 dose which is now set at 0.156mg per capsule, and the addition of naringin and it’s dose of 50mg. Currently you can find the upgraded Cannibal Genius on Chaos and Pain’s website. However it is also available at Nutraplanet, which is at the moment the better place to go. As the store are running a sale with all the brand’s products discounted down to $24.64, with a free sling bag.

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