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Femme teaser poster previews premixed, one of three upcoming supplements spotted

Femme Nutrition's coming soon poster suggesting a premixed carnitine

While nothing official has come from Femme Nutrition about any of their upcoming supplements, with a pre-workout, fat burner, and l-carnitine formula promised. The women’s based brand have uploaded a preview image showing off a product or products, covered by the words ‘coming soon’. As mentioned, Femme have yet to announce anything or confirm what the items are in the exciting promotional poster. However we do already know the supplement’s on their way are going to be flavored formulas. Which combined with the blurry image of what appears to be a stack of five bottles, we feel there is a good chance Femme Nutrition’s l-carnitine product is going to be the premixed formula in the teaser print. We are of course only guessing at this point, but are expecting more information as the brand’s new supplements move into production.

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