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$5 off the updated Synedrex when you pre-order, Metabolic’s reformulation shipping May 1st from Natural Body Inc

Pre-order the updated Metabolic Synedrex from Natural Body Inc

Yesterday Metabolic Nutrition confirmed the official launch date of their updated fat burner Synedrex, in a little under two weeks on May 1st. While details on the supplement’s arrival were a little vague in regards to where you would be able to purchase the product and price. One of Metabolic’s stockists have shown up with the single serving supplement for pre-order. The place to go if you want to secure yourself a 45 capsule bottle is Natural Body Inc, who have it listed for $44.99. If you are interested in getting in on the Synedrex pre-sale, the store have put together a pre-sale voucher to get $5 off your purchase, dropping the product down to $39.99. The appropriately named coupon code is ‘SYNEDREXISBACK‘, and is only valid until May 1st, which is not just the day the weight loss formula launches. But also the day Natural Body will be shipping your Synedrex order.

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