News of Scitec Nutrition’s two entries into the beef protein market first surfaced a little more than just one week ago, at the Salon Mondial Body Fitness Expo in Porte de Versailles, Paris France. The brand have now confirmed that 100% Beef Concentrate and 100% Hydrolyzed Beef Isolate are due to become available in the next few days, with the announcement bringing all the details behind the duo. Starting with Beef Concentrate, per scoop Scitec have packed the supplement with 19g of protein, 6.2g of carbohydrates (2.1g of sugar), 1.4g of fat (0.4g saturated), and 114 calories. As for Beef Isolate the product features 25g of protein, significantly less carbohydrates at less than 0.1g, 1.5g of fat (0.5g saturated), and the same amount of calories with 114. Like each of the beef formula’s contents, Scitec have kept the supplement’s variants relatively the same. Giving Beef Concentrate three flavors, almond chocolate, caramel vanilla, and raspberry cream, and Beef Isolate three flavors, almond chocolate, strawberry cream, and vanilla delight. An equal amount of sizes has also been used seeing Concentrate with a 1kg 33 serving and 2kg 66 serving, and Isolate a 900g 30 serving and 1.8kg 60 serving. As mentioned Scitec’s announcement did say the two would be available in the next few days, so expect to see the beef proteins in stockists as early as this week.