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European bio-active formula Protein Essence, Scitec Nutrition’s latest a mix of everything

Scitec Nutrition's new bio-active supplement Protein Essence

The bio-active bug has spread across to our friends over in Europe Scitec Nutrition, who have just revealed their latest creation Protein Essence. The brand’s new supplement lists a number of highlights, very similar to a lot of others we’ve seen over the past few months. The product is best described in the words of Scitec as ‘a unique specialty formula that contains bioactive elements from milk and milk proteins, and it is fortified with ingredients that stack well with these nutrients’. If the description doesn’t get the message across, as per usual the brand have detailed the contents of their supplement rather well. Listing 1g of colostrum, 3g of leucine, 1g of glutamine, 200mg of vitamin C, 1g of carnitine l-tartrate, 500mg of beta-alanine, 400mg of taurine, and 6g of protein. If you would like the story on Protein Essence, Scitec do now have a product page for the formula on their website. Further detailing the supplement’s facts panel and it’s single 28 serving cherry berry variant.

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