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Shredded Rx’s orange creamsicle Lean Whey, Muscle Sport go limited time for latest exclusive

Muscle Sport's eighth Lean Whey flavor exclusive to Shredded Rx

Muscle Sport International are no strangers when it comes to exclusive supplements. This can be further seen in their latest release of a new taste for the protein powder Lean Whey Revolution. The product is already available in seven flavors, banana, chocolate, french vanilla, cookies & cream, chocolate peanut butter, mixed berry, and oatmeal cookie. With the eighth option joining the menu being orange creamsicle. As for the store given the exclusive rights to the variant. Muscle Sport went with the retailer Shredded Rx, who have only been given Lean Whey orange creamsicle for a limited time. Meaning after that limited time, the flavor is going to be made available everywhere, or dropped altogether. If you are interested in the latest Lean Whey taste, as mentioned drop by Shredded Rx, or if you can wait a few weeks, possibly a month. The new flavor may end up making it’s way into other Muscle Sport stockists.

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