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Applied now with two individual line looks, Pure Series number seven Yohimbine HCl

Applied Nutriceuticals show off number seven for their Pure Series

At last count Applied Nutriceuticals were at six supplements for their Pure Series, just one bottle behind the brand’s teased Innovation Series. As it turns out App Nut weren’t satisfied with just Caffeine, Melatonin, ZMA, Garcinia Cambogia, Raspberry Ketones and Green Coffee Bean. With the brand revealing number seven for the Pure Series in Yohimbine HCl. The product promotes a dose of 2.5mg of it’s title ingredient per pill, listing a total of 90 capsules in each bottle. While the confirmation of the supplement does see App Nut go beyond their promised 14 new products from last year’s Olympia, or at least if you include the pictured seven Innovation formulas. The new Yohimbine HCl also features an alternate theme, going with a bit more yellow, a couple extra graphics and an actual Pure Series label. At the moment we are unsure if App Nut will update the other six from the individual line with the latest look. Although it does seem likely as the current and more common Pure branding is a little less formal without the Pure Series name anywhere.

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