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Details of supersize Combat bag confirmed, Muscle Pharm go beyond double with 10lber

Details for Muscle Pharm's 10lb Combat Protein Powder confirmed

For those that like a little more confirmation, today we have the exact details for Muscle Pharm’s long awaited larger Combat Protein Powder. Initially we expected the bagged variant to be an 8lber, based on the weight of the promised second Arnold Series Iron Mass size, and Combat’s current 2 and 4lb options. Surprisingly Muscle Pharm have actually made the third volume of their flagship protein powder a 10lber, going two and a half times bigger than the product’s currently largest option. In terms of servings, the athlete’s company have packed the bagged Combat with 130 scoops, and given it a value that is estimated to save you between 5 and 10% per serving compared to the 4lb. For those wondering what flavors will be available, as expected not all of the supplements tastes have been carried over to the value variant with just three confirmed, cookies & cream, vanilla and chocolate milk. There is still no word on when the much appreciated 10lb Combat will hit shelves, but with Muscle Pharm’s Casein Combat also on the way, fans have a lot to be excited about.

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