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Promera side with more powerful graphics, makers of Con-Cret update their website

Promera Sports update their website with a more graphic driven theme

The brand behind the most well known type of creatine HCl Promera Sports, have uploaded a fresh new theme to their website. While the previous version wasn’t actually that bad, with a very pleasing theme and appearance far better than the average supplement site. The brand have gone one step further, improving on their already great online presence with a much more graphic driven layout. The website incorporates a rather traditional looking theme, opening up plenty of space for a few more sections and areas of information. The updated design still maintains it’s predecessor’s smooth and simple navigation. With the only thing really letting it down being it’s inconsistency between it’s strong graphics and odd fonts, randomly placed buttons and uneven link animations. Feel free to make your own judgement as the site is online now at the exact same address,,

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