Continue reading Stack3d back in competition with Muscletech’s latest, Clear Muscle available for as low as $56.69

Automatic 10% off Muscletech's Clear Muscle at

Muscletech’s new BetaTOR supplement Clear Muscle has been showing up all over the place since it hit it’s first location after GNC. That very store, second to get the latest Performance Series formula, is now looking to take back the lead in price for the product with this week’s promotion. While their regular value of $69.99 has trouble competing against all the stockists currently out there selling Clear Muscle for $60 or less. are now giving an automatic discount of 10%, working out to be e saving of exactly seven bucks. Of course that still doesn’t put Clear Muscle lower than $60, however if you are a loyal customer you may have a spare 10% coupon code. Which does work with the automatic 10%, and puts the supplement all the way down to $56.69. If you don’t have a saved comeback voucher or the like, you could easily save in other areas by purchasing a month or two stack. Either way the order and save offer definitely put’s back in competition as a favorite for Muscletech’s Clear Muscle.