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Three new ANS supplements on the way, next release not a BCAA but going to be beta tested

ANS Performance confirm three new supplements and which one is next

Last year ANS Performance confirmed the coming of three new supplements, a BCAA formula, a flavored fat burner and a complex creatine. The last two on that list have been launched with the pro thermogenic Diablo and the creaitne CreXcel, leaving the BCAA to come. While we have talked about this before, with the brand’s next product expected of course to be that BCAA, it turns out the next supplement ANS have in line is not that. The BCAA product is still said to be on the way, however we don’t know anything about the supplement the brand are currently working on. Or more importantly the supplement they are preparing to put into beta testing. While ANS are not yet willing to share with the world the name or even category of what they have coming, they have confirmed that there is actually a third formula also in the works. The details on all three are no doubt very vague, but for ANS fans which does include us, the good news is we have at least three new supplements on the way.

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