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Scitec launch Muscle Army number 9, Whey Blast menu spices things up with stracciatella

Scitec Nutrition launch Muscle Army supplement number 9 Whey Blast

Scitec Nutrition have launched their first addition to the military themed Muscle Army line, since the range started hitting shelves just over a year ago. The name of the product is relatively self-explanatory Whey Blast, a ‘whey only fast absorbing protein’. As with all Scitec supplements, the release of the ninth Muscle Army product has brought all it’s details to light. Starting off with Whey Blast’s formula the protein powder does pack a slightly different protein to carbohydrate ratio with 18g of protein and 7.3g of carbs (1.8g sugar), with 1.3g of fat (less than a gram saturated) and 113 calories per serving. While the Scitec supplement’s nutrition numbers aren’t the 20 plus grams of protein and sub 5g of carbs we’re used to seeing, the brand do make an effort on the menu. Producing two sizes a 30 and 70 serving, both listing all four of Whey Blast’s flavor, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and the standout Italian inspired stracciatella. The product is expected to be hitting stores very soon, as after a launch announcement Scitec don’t spend too much time sitting on a supplement.

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