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Body name one of three for July 4th weekend, PB marshmallow cookie Trutein confirmed

Body name one of three Trutein flavors available this weekend

Yesterday Body Nutrition announced that for the upcoming July 4th weekend they will be launching three new flavors for their protein powder Trutein. The catch with the release is that the tastes are only going to be available for the weekend, with their official launch expected sometime soon after. Initially the brand did not reveal what any of the flavors were, however it now appears that they are going to be confirming one a day, with the last taste named on Thursday. As for today’s Trutein flavor, Body have unveiled peanut butter marshmallow cookie, due to arrive in both of the supplement’s volumes 2 and 4lbs. At the moment we are still uncertain as to whether or not the brand will have any discount available for the celebratory weekend. Although fans may not have an issue paying full direct price, especially if Body’s other two tastes are as attractive as peanut butter marshmallow cookie.

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