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EST’s pre-workout sequel still on the way, Focusyn confirmed with possible protein

EST Nutrition confirm Focusyn with MethylMass 2.0 still on the way

The last time we had EST Nutrition in the news it was about their sequel pre-workout MethylMass 2.0, which as far as we know has still yet to surface. The latest coming from the brand, is that they apparently have some new products lined up for launch very soon. The keyword there being the plural products, as up until now MethylMass 2.0 was all we had been expecting. One supplement we know for sure that is joining the updated pre-workout is a formula called Focusyn. That based on it’s title we’re going to assume is some sort of mind and focus based product. While that does put the coming soon list at a total of two, fitting for the use of the word products. EST have recently revealed taste testing of a couple flavors that are all spot on for a protein powder with cookies n’ cream, natural chocolate, pound cake, banana nut bread and carrot cake. Whether or not that makes it three with MethylMass 2.0, Focusyn, and an untitled protein powder, we can’t be too sure at the moment. The question will be answered however soon, as EST are teasing an unknown amount of supplements as right around the corner, with MethylMass 2.0 and Focusyn definitely a part of the group.

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