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Optimum reassure fans with 2 & half minute clip, iconic Gold Standard the ‘what you see is what you get’ protein

With the issue of amino spiking proving to be more than just casual chatter here and there, becoming quite the problem for some companies. This week we’ve seen both Muscle Pharm and Top Secret deal with the drama by posting lab tests of their own clearing Arnold’s Iron Whey and the straightforwardly titled Whey Protein. While there are plenty of other brands out there looking to prove their innocence and clean up their act, some don’t feel the need to fork out for tests and results. Optimum Nutrition is one of those brands who have actually put together a video reassuring fans just how reliable their iconic 100% Whey Gold Standard truly is. The brand talk about their ‘what you see is what you get’ philosophy, quality standards, manufacturing consistency, and why Optimum’s flagship formula is one of the ones you can trust. If you haven’t seen the clip already, definitely spare it’s two and a half minute run time to go and check it out.

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