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Rival Us put on sale but don’t detail, Blackout teased intra-workout Steam revealed

Rival Us teased intra-workout Steam revealed and releasd

If you can cast your minds back to early June, you may remember that with the Rival Us Blackout announcement the brand also made mention of something else. They promoted the question ‘Can you make an intra workout?’, which was followed by the line ‘After July, you’ll never run out of steam again’. From that we figured we would be seeing an intra-workout sooner or later, however we didn’t know the title of that very supplement was hidden in one of the quotes. Today Rival have revealed and actually released their promised intra-workout formula cheekily named Steam. While the product has officially gone on sale, we are without a facts panel for the supplement with only highlights to go off. The contents we can confirm are 1g citurlline, 1g glutamine and 6g 2:1:1 BCAAs. Which may in fact end up being all that’s in the product, we just don’t have a label to compare it against. If you are interested in picking up the supplement, as mentioned it is already on sale with availability direct from Rival Us at both of their online stores.

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