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Countdown clock due to hit 1 on Monday, Scivation teasing something for Xtend BCAAs

Scivation counting down to something about Xtend

Over the past two days Scivation have been posting about a countdown, which started at five and is expected to see number three uploaded sometime today. The brand have not been combining their countdown images with any kind of description, the pictures themselves however do hint at a couple of things. Firstly the two images posted so far feature fruits, #5 with a watermelon and #4 with a pineapple. The other clue is that in the corners of the pictures, Scivation include the logo of their flagship formula Xtend BCAAs. As per usual, we are in about as good a position as anyone to take a guess at what the brand are going on about. Which we are going to put our money on being either a reformulated Xtend or spin off supplement/s. Seeing as both the fruits pictured are already flavors of Xtend’s, we can’t imagine it being anything for the product’s menu. Either way we are going to find out what it is Scivation are on about next week, as Monday is going to bring the countdown to one.

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