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Snapshots of the Shield released, five days until Fitmark unveil their greatest creation

Fitmark release more snapshots of their upcoming bag the Shield

With Fitmark due to unveil what they are calling their best design to date, this coming Monday. The innovative brand have released another teaser for the still undetailed product, the Shield. Fitmark’s latest image doesn’t really show you too much as it’s basically a combination of six snapshots. From what we can see the Shield is coming in six colorways purple, red and black all with gray trim, a slightly pinker red with dark gray trim, a entirely gray bag, and camouflage a theme we only just saw used on the brand’s Box LG. As for what type of product we are looking at, we are still very unsure but have spotted some features in Fitmark’s new picture. In the six shots of the Shield it’s clear the piece has plenty of pockets both zipped and unzipped, what appears to be a shoulder strap, and patterns sewn in, that we feel are going to reinforce the bag’s name. With today being the 10th, we are now only five days away from Fitmark’s big reveal, where all questions will be answered and we’ll finally get to see the brand’s greatest creation.

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