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BPS looking at the pre-workout market and possible DCP 2.1

BPS looking at the pre-workout market and possible DCP 2.1

Body Performance Solutions, our latest brand to sign on for weekly giveaways every Thursday, are looking to enter the pre-workout market. What is arguably the most competitive category in the industry right now is about to get an entirely new competitor, as BPS is one of the few who don’t actually have a supplement currently in the area. From what we know the product unofficially titled BPS Pre-workout is only at it’s testing stages, with the beta flavor cherry colada. Based on that we imagine it’s quite some time away, however it is not the only thing the brand have coming. It turns out after some recently released research BPS could be looking at reformulating their fat burner DCP 2.0. The update is presumably going to see just one or two things added or maybe even swapped out, as the brand are looking at the name DCP 2.1. Like the pre-workout we don’t have any launch information on the weight loss sequel. Regardless, the two are definitely enough to get BPS fans excited for the next couple of months.

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