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Almost everything you need to know about Cellucor’s C4 Sport now online

Almost everything you need to know about Cellucor's C4 Sport now online

It has definitely been all Cellucor this week after they unveiled their new G4 Series range of supplements with updated versions of C4, P6, NO3, Super HD, Alpha Amino and the yet to be detailed CLK. The brand have also promised a few more for next year with the pre-workout alternatives C4 Mass, C4 Ripped, C4 50x and the premixed C4. Despite all the introductions this week today we’re talking about the C4 we met before all this week’s developments, the performance formula C4 Sport. Basically the update is that Cellucor have now added the product to their own website. While it has yet to hit any of the usual stores, something we’re still not even sure will happen. Fans looking for more information can visit the brand’s online home to get almost everything they need to know. Cellucor have uploaded a full description going over what makes C4 Sport different from the regular C4, and what it has been designed to do. The one thing missing that we do expect to be on its way is the supplement’s facts panel, as well as availability of the pre-workout direct from Cellucor, as at the moment C4 Sport is listed online just not in stock.

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