While PNI’s updated website may have taken an extra 44 days to go online, bringing unfortunately nothing new with it. The brand have confirmed something exciting for sometime next year. PNI have started teasing what we’re going to call for now OxyTHERM Black, a sequel or alternate edition of the fat burner PNI dropped from DeNovo Lab’s and rebranded as their own. Nothing outside of the very dark image has been released just yet, although that very picture does give a little bit away. Looking as close as possible you can see that the bottle actually lists 90 capsules, promoting two effects that from what we can see say “thermogenic formula” and “… energy”. Moving around to the back of OxyTHERM Black, none of the supplement’s ingredients can be 100% made out, however the label is split in two. At the top we see what appears to be 200mg of caffeine, then a blend listing what looks to be about six features, maybe more maybe less. From here we continue the countdown to the new year with hopefully no website like delay and more information soon.