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Introducing the soon to be 5 supplement brand Innovative Nutrients

Introducing the soon to be 5 supplement brand Innovative Nutrients

Over the past few weeks we’ve been making an effort to introduce new brands that we’ll be posting updates on, which we have yet another one of here today. The name of the company is Innovative Nutrients, who can be more conveniently referred to as INN. At the moment the brand currently sit with a total of four supplements, half of which are actually relatively recent releases. Covering two of the most important categories INN have the pre-workout Red Heat Inn-Tensified and the fat burner Red Heat Inn-Cinerator. Making up the other half of the brand’s line is the stimulant free formula Inntensity driven by a solid set of pump ingredients, and Inndensity the 4:1:1 BCAA based amino cocktail. As young as some of INN’s products are, three more supplements are in fact on the way. Details on two of the three have yet to be released, one of the trio however is going to be the brand’s protein competitor Hypro 1Whey. While we don’t have much information on the product we do know that the three flavor Hypro will be packing 51 servings per tub, with each serving delivering 26g of protein, less than 1g of fat and 2g of carbohydrates. For more on Innovative Nutrients and their current four supplements check out their website at, and tune in here for updates on the upcoming items.

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