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Daily Bar 4+ Nutrition’s first real release in 2015 and first edible effort in quite some time

Daily Bar 4+ Nutrition's first real release in 2015 and first edible effort in quite some time

While 4+ Nutrition are no strangers to new supplements, especially when it comes to revealing and releasing products one after another. It is usually the brand’s protein powders that get the attention whether it be new formulas or new flavors for current supplements. The news that’s come in today does see 4+ change things up a little compared to all the basic items they’ve been unveiling lately, and head back into the category you could say is their specialty. The latest from our favorite Italian brand as mentioned is for the protein arena, however instead of a powder this time around it is a bar. The world of edible products is definitely a place where 4+ excel, as we found out for ourselves when sampling the high protein snack Walo. As for the brand’s first real new supplement in 2015 and first bar in quite some time, the name of the product is Daily Bar. Without a look at its facts panel we can’t confirm too much but do know fans are in for 11g of protein per 35g chocolate or coconut bar, with Daily Bar’s third flavor yogurt packing one more gram at 12. The only other detail we have for the supplement is that it features no sweeteners. A fact that will no doubt be joined by more information as we get closer to 4+ Nutrition’s launch of Daily Bar, expected sometime in the next few weeks.

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