A flavor we’re starting to see more and more of in Australia and really not at all here in the US, is about to spread to a supplement that can be found in both countries. The five product brand Alpha Pro Nutrition are getting ready to add to their very first supplement, the pre-workout formula Upload. Since the beginning the energizing product has only been available in just the one taste, the familiar fruity flavor watermelon. The second option Alpha Pro have now confirmed for Upload, set to double the size of its lonely menu is Australia’s trending cola. The taste that you’ll definitely not see often outside the country, for now has only been confirmed for fans down under and not the US. While that’s usually not overly surprising as brand’s do have different versions of supplements for different parts of the world. Looking at the Upload facts panels on Alpha Pro’s website, American stores and Australian, they all seem to have the same formula. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything as the brand have only confirmed cola Upload for one area, however if they choose it doesn’t seem like too much trouble to make it two flavors for the US as well.