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Isoject pre-order price quite high at $50 a tub direct from Evogen

Isoject pre-order price quite high at $50 a tub direct from Evogen

Evogen Nutrition have finally launched their first ever protein powder Isoject, taking their small range of supplements from a total of six up to seven. While we are still waiting for Aminoject to make its way out to market, fans aren’t likely to be disappointed knowing that they are now one step closer to being able to get everything they need from Evogen. As previously confirmed the brand have made their new product available in five flavors, chocolate, chocolate peanut butter, vanilla bean, cinnamon roll and unflavored or multi-purpose. To get yourself a can of Isoject the place to go is as you’d expect Evogen’s own website, where the brand are now taking pre-orders on 30 serving tubs of the supplement. Like with most direct releases the price on the latest from Evogen isn’t the best as it is going to cost you an incredible $49.95 a bottle, with no introductory discount available. While we can’t confirm whether or not Isoject will be better when it hits retailers, if that price remains you’ll probably be better off going for a different protein powder. For those loyal Evogen fans who are going to pre-order regardless of value the one last thing you need to know is that your order won’t be shipping out for another two weeks. The brand have said orders will be shipped on March 17th, meaning don’t order Isoject if you’re wanting it as your main source of protein for the next week or two.

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