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OCR Pack previewed before hitting Fitmark’s Playing Field

ocr pack

Instead of doing the usual surprise upload to the Playing Field, Fitmark have released a sneak peek at one of their upcoming innovations. For those that don’t know what the Playing Field is, in short it is a place where the brand throw up bags that never got the green light for production. Once added to the Playing Field section on Fitmark’s website, it is there where fans can pre-order the bag at 50% off its regular price. If it gets enough pre-orders it will then go into production and all the orders will be fulfilled. As mentioned instead of just uploading the next bag to the Playing Field, this time Fitmark have given fans a sneak peek at what’s coming which you can see above. The name of the product in the picture is the OCR Pack, short for Obstacle Course Pack. The reason it has got a preview is because the brand are asking followers to help them decide on one of the three OCR Pack drafts. Fitmark did upload the image a while ago now, either way it is still awesome to see the brand get fans even more involved in the process. Fitmark haven’t said when we will be seeing the OCR Pack on the Playing Field, although if you like what you see above at you know to be on the look out.

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