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Save either 30 or 40% on Muscle Elements depending on who wins

muscle elements

If you liked Muscle Elements Superbowl promotion where the brand gave fans 52% off everything in store based on the total amount of points scored in Superbowl 49. You may want to tune in this weekend to the Floyed Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao showdown. While the result of the big fight won’t create a discount as big as Muscle Element’s Superbowl deal, it will determine how much you can save for the brand’s fight of the century sale. The way it’s going to work is, if Floyd Mayweather walks away still undefeated with 48 wins the discount will be 30%. If however Pacquiao takes down the champ the savings will be much higher at 40% off. No matter which way the fight goes and what percentage fans get the coupon code to remember is “MAYPACQ“. Of course like the Superbowl promotion the Muscle Elements deal will only be available for a very limited time. You’ll have exactly 24 hours from midnight Sunday to midnight Monday to get your order in with the brand’s website of course being the place to go.

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