While we’re not entirely sure if CT Fletcher’s upcoming documentary My Magnificent Obsession will be hitting theaters just as Vlad Yudin’s last bodybuilding film Generation Iron did, two years ago. There is one guaranteed way you can get your hands on the movie when it’s released in a little over three weeks time on September 18th. Much like Ben Pakulski’s recent documentary Defined, My Magnificent Obsession is going to be available to stream and download.
The team behind the film The Vladar Company, has actually already gone ahead and put CT Fletcher’s story up for pre-order through Vimeo. The price on My Magnificent Obsession is $14.99, although there is a coupon floating around that can get you a bit of discount. When ordering the film simply put in the promo code “CTFILM” and you’ll get $5 off your purchase, dropping the film to under $10.
If you haven’t seen the trailer yet you can catch it in our last post on the movie, and if you’re anything like us it will be more than enough to get you to pre-order.