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20 serving Performix Ion hits both and GNC

performix ion

The brand said it was coming and now it’s here, as the new 20 serving Performix Ion has been released. It was just last month that we saw the brand put together trial size boxes for their pre-workout at, with each one packing five sachets working out to a total of 10 servings. Compared to the online store’s price on the full size tub the miniature box actually ended being better value, although that has all changed now as the sachet set was recently increased in price.

As for the new 20 serving tub it has gone on sale at both and GNC in both of the supplement’s flavors, Blue Ice and Ice Punch. Just as it should be the 20 serving Performix Ion is better value than the 10 serving and not as good as the full 45 with setting it at $29.99 and GNC at $42.99.

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