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Fitmark Envoy Series bringing the brand’s greatest bag of all time

fitmark envoy

Around this time last year or maybe a little earlier, Fitmark started talking about what they called their greatest design yet. The mystery product eventually turned out to be the Shield, definitely one of the more stylish and creative meal bags we’d seen in quite some time. Fitmark has now started promoting the same kind of thing, claiming that they’re about to unveil the greatest bag of all time.

The Fitmark Envoy Series appears to be the name of what’s coming, which we can only imagine means we’re in for more than one bag much like the Box and Box LG, and Shield and Shield LG. That fact is also clear in the image the brand has released as it gives you sneak peeks at three bags, with two looking similar and the other slightly different. The real mystery is of course what type of bag are we in for?

fitmark envoy

Our guess for the Fitmark Envoy Series would have to be meal management purely because that is what the brand revealed and released this time last year. Since then we haven’t really seen anything in the meal department from Fitmark, although we’ve still seen plenty of new products from them such as the Run About Town and updated Velocity backpacks. Another detail that points us in the direction of meal management is the Fitmark Envoy logo. Just like they do in the Box and Shield logos, inside one of the letters in Envoy the brand has put two rectangles. The small but possibly significant detail not only hints at a meal bag, it also suggests the design could be all about meals since unlike the Box and Shield logos it doesn’t have a shaker representation.

As correct as we feel we are, all questions will officially be answered very soon as the Fitmark Envoy or Envoy Series is going to be revealed next week on the 17th. In the meantime feel free to take your own guess at what the brand’s latest creation is on Fitmark’s website and you could win one of the bags for yourself.

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