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Amino Stim surprises with an interesting of combination of energy, aminos and pump

amino stim

Since USN arrived in the US a few months ago, the brand has basically just been spreading out. The USN line can now be found in a number of locations, including one of the first to show up with it, Muscle & Strength. Now that the brand has established itself it seems it’s time for more supplements as three new products have been confirmed. The items on the way are Amino Stim, B4-Bomb and the pink and white formula B4-Burn.

Starting with the one that you’d think needs the least explaining Amino Stim, like a lot of other brands USN has brought together aminos and stimulants. With that being said the supplement is packed full of ingredients that actually results in a combination that is quite different. While Amino Stim does feature a collection of amino acids including an unlisted dose of BCAAs, it also squeezes in what you could almost pass off as a pre-workout formula. Alongside the aminos USN has thrown in caffeine, TeaCrine theacrine, choline bitartrate, HydroMax glycerol, Agmapure agmatine, and BetaPower betaine anhydrous.

USN Amino Stim


Moving on to one of the other two new products USN has coming, we have the pre-workout B4-Bomb. While you would expect a brand’s pre-workout to have very little in common with its amino, on this occasion due to USN packing out Amino Stim it is nearly the complete opposite. Looking at B4-Bomb the only things that really separate it from Amino Stim are its inclusion of creatine, beta-alanine, AstraGin, twice as much caffeine and the fact that it doesn’t have a full list of aminos. As for the ingredients it shares the list goes on as like Amino Stim, B4-Bomb features Agmapure, BetaPower, TeaCrine and BCAAs.

USN B4-Bomb


Lastly we have B4-Burn, USN’s women’s pre-workout. Like most supplement’s in this area B4-Burn is a slightly lighter formula compared to the brand’s regular pre-workout. When put side by side next you’ll notice B4-Burn does still have a lot in common with B4-Bomb, although most of the performance ingredients are missing. Some of the product’s highlights that it shares with USN’s other new pre-workout include BCAAs, caffeine, BetaPower and for longer lasting energy TeaCrine. As for some of the features B4-Burn doesn’t have that B4-Bomb does, USN’s female fans will be going without creatine, beta-alanine and agmatine.

USN B4-Burn


All three of the new USN supplements are due to be released in a few weeks time, with an exact date of October 2nd. Instead of launching through the brand’s website or any of its nutrition retailers, Amino Stim, B4-Bomb and B4-Burn are expected to be released through Groupon where USN plan on introducing them with a few deals.

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