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Closer look at Recovery Adaptogens confirms three ingredients

recovery adaptogens

Following on from yesterday’s complete unveiling of Scitec’s 9th WOD Crusher Series supplement, the very specific vitamin formula Health Vita-Min. The brand has now given us a much closer look at the other new WOD Crusher product is has coming, Recovery Adaptogens. Fortunately the closer look at the Crossfit marketed supplement has given us a little more than just further confirmation that its called Recovery Adaptogens.

While you may not be able to make it out in the image above, the larger shot of Scitec’s upcoming Recovery Adaptogens has revealed what might be all of its ingredients. Written right on the front of the product are three of its features with cordyceps, holy basil and rhodiola. We also get a quick summary of what the combination is expected to do with the line “adapt to stress, recover better!”.

As mentioned the three ingredients confirmed may or may not be all that’s in Recovery Adaptogens, as they could just be on the label as highlights. Either way you look at it cordyceps, holy basil and rhodiola are in the new WOD Crusher supplement, with the only details left to come now being what else is in the formula (if anything) and what are all the ingredients’ doses.

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