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Everything you need to know about Cannibal Kraken revealed

cannibal kraken

While Chaos and Pain has still yet to release its third protein powder Cannibal Kraken, which it is expected to do so in three days time on Friday. The brand has now released everything you need to know about the supplement including flavors, size, macros and its direct price. Most of those details we did in fact already know, however Kraken’s nutrition information is something we’ve just come across and have definitely been waiting on.

The nutrition information for the new Cannibal Kraken is important because up until today we didn’t actually know what separated it formula wise from the Chaos and Pain’s other two proteins. We can now confirm that unlike the whey isolate protein Cannibal Weight and the time released blend Cannibal Cronus, Kraken is a somewhat similar 100% whey protein formula. The product is made up of just two different proteins with whey concentrate and whey isolate.

Moving on to Cannibal Kraken’s macros, according to its label in each of its 29g servings you get 24g of protein, 4g of carbohydrates (3g sugar), 1.5g of fat (1g saturated), with a total of 125 calories. If those numbers sound at all familiar that is because they are in fact identical to that of Cannibal Weight’s. From protein and calories to carbohydrates and cholesterol, they’re basically identical with the only things really separating the two being their tub sizes and protein sources.

If you head to Chaos and Pain’s website you can see that the brand has already uploaded Cannibal Kraken in preparation for its upcoming launch. It is there where you can also see that the supplement is going to be available in the same three flavors as Cannibal Weight and Cronus in Carnivorous Chocolate, Violent Vanilla and Omnipotent Orange. Lastly we have its price which is another thing you can see on the brand’s website with Kraken set to cost direct shoppers $69.99 for a 77 serving 5lb tub.

Chaos and Pain Cannibal Kraken

cannibal kraken

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