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Four supplements confirmed for Scitec’s new Green Series

scitec green series

Most of the new supplements introduced by Scitec Nutrition this past weekend are from its brighter branded Green Series. Just as the line’s name suggests, the products in the Scitec Green Series are all natural based formulas. In total there are four supplements we know the names of and can confirm what they are, however we’re almost certain there is another one or two we have yet to see.

The products we know of in the new Scitec Green Series are the probiotic formula Microbiota Pro, the super greens combination Vita Greens & Fruit. The obviously titled Fibers & Enzymes RX, and last but not least the 100% pea protein supplement 100% Plant Protein. Much like all the other products unveiled by Scitec at the Salon Mondial, we expect to see more information on the Green Series soon especially since the four we named were all on display over the weekend.

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