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Galaxy Pop 1 of 2 replacement flavors for Inspired’s DVST8 White Cut

Galaxy Pop dvst8

The best pre-workout in the US, Inspired Nutraceuticals’ DVST8 White Cut is about to get a whole lot better. If you caught our review of the pre-workout you’ll already know we didn’t think much of its flavor. The supplement is extremely competitive and one of the best on the market, but it definitely doesn’t have the taste to match. By the sounds of things however that is all going to change very soon as Inspired is getting ready to replace the product’s entire menu.

The flavor we got our hands on for our review was Texas Sweet Tea, which was pretty bad but bearable and well worth the incredible workout. The only other option currently available for DVST8 White Cut is Peach Sunrise. Inspired has now confirmed that both of those are going to be dropped for two new recipes sometime in the next four to six weeks. Only one of the two replacements has been revealed so far in Galaxy Pop DVST8, with the second flavor expected to be named leading up to Inspired’s May launch.

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